Many idle ships in Svendborg harbour
PORTS: Unemployed coasters have started to accumulate in Svendborg. Almost every day, Svendborg Harbour is receiving requests from shipping companies for quay berths for coasters that have nothing to do. And more idle ships are coming.
"We are working hard to comply with wishes of the shipping companies of quay berth in the unemployment period. It gives the harbour good profits, but we also need to keep spaces free for the daily running", says harbour assistant Poul-Egon Jorgensen, Svendborg Habour to
The shipping company typically pays DKK 3.3 per gross register tonne for having a coaster docked two weeks in Svencborg Harbour. That is a check per ship of over DKK 20.000 per month.
So it mounts up when shipping companies such as the German Erwin Strahlmann for two months has had no less than four coasters of each 3.500 tonnes lying side by side at Frederik's Island.
Also the local Nordane Shipping let "Malene af Bogense" be temporarily pensioned about a month ago. Malene is now docked at Frederik's Island.
And at the moment, Poul-Egon Jorgensen is working to find space for two giant coasters, which the Danish shipping company Erria wants stationed in Svendborg.