Moves meat export from truck to ship
PORTS: Danish pork export is traditionally done in cold storage trailers. But when it comes to the export to Russia, the infrastructure round Skt. Petersburg has come under so much pressure that Danish Crown has chosen to use ships instead of trucks.
"The infrastructure around St. Petersburg has, as a result of the area's massive development, become so overrun that the trucks are no longer a satisfactory solution for Danish Crown. For this reason, we have within the past year constructed an alternative system based on shipping", says director of exports Jens Rahbek, Danish Crown to Transportmagasinet.
Aalborg has become the landing port for part of Danish Crown's export of pork to Russia. Meat from a series of Danish Crowns's slaughterhouses in Jutland is stored in cooled storages at Aalborg port, ready for shipping. It is expected that there will be a monthly transport of pork from Aalborg East Port all year.
Danish Crown has similar shipping solutions from another port in Jutland, but wished - especially for the sake of cooled storage capacity - to spread the capacity.
"Aalborg is of specific interest to us because the cooling facilities are placed close to the quay and because the traffic connection via the motorway is as good as it is," says Jens Rahbek to Transportmagasinet.
Source: Transportmagasinet