Far Solitaire kåret som Ship of the Year
Det norske offshore forsyningsskib Far Solitaire, der er i stand til at medbringe op til 1.600 kubikmeter kemikalier, der anvendes i forbindelse med olieudvindingen, er kåret som Ship of the Year af det norske magasin Skipsrevyen
Prisen, der blev uddelt på SMM messen i Hamborg onsdag, er en af mange Ship of the Year priser der uddeles i løbet af året, og ikke den mest prestigefyldte.
Almindelige forsyningsskibe må højest fragte 800 kubikmeter af de farlige kemikalier ad gangen, men Far Solitaire må medbringe 1.600 kubikmeter, fordi det er bygget efter og opfylder kravene til kemikalietankskibe - IBC Code 2 Compliant.
Ud over at opfylde kravene til kemikalietankskibe, er Far Solitaire fyldt med en lang række innovative løsninger der tilsammen har været afgørende for, at en af magasinet nedsat jury har valgt at kåret skibet til Ship of the Year.
Far Solitaire er stadig under bygning og ventes leveret fra STX OSV Langsten Verftet i næste måned. Skroget er leveret af STX OSV Tulcea i Rumænien.
• Main vessel parameters are length over all 91.60 metres, beam 22.00 metres, cargo deck area 1020 square metres and deadweight 5700 metric tonnes.
• Designed according to requirements for chemical tankers (IBC Code 2 Compliant), defined by international Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk. Holds capacity to transport more than 1600 cubic metres of NLS products.
• Dedicated deep well pumps in all cargo tanks for NLS products rather than the conventional solution with common cargo pumps in pump room.
• As the first vessel, it was decided to implement the new Rolls Royce “Wave Piercing” bow design, increasing comfort on board and reducing fuel consumption.
• New cargo rail crane concept, having a dual draglink crane on SB side cargo rail, covering the full length of the cargo deck giving increased work area and stable horizontal movement.
• Three main engines in combination with diesel electric propulsion, main electric switchboard split in three separate units and three separate thrusters forward have several advantages: transit at economic speed with one engine efficiently running at the time, utilising optimal fuel consumption and efficient operation of selective catalytic converters.
• A new generation electric shore connection has been developed, where shore power of any voltage and frequency can be used independently or continuously in parallel with the diesel generators. The result is increased utilisation of renewable energy when the vessel is alongside in port.
• Deck illumination is based on energy saving LED fixtures.